Tuesday, October 18, 2011


You're probably thinking ... where are those funny posts?  Well, there are times when funny just has to wait.  Monday a good friend of mine lost her husband ... suddenly.  On Sunday she mentioned that he'd had severe heartburn for a few days and they would be going to the doctor on Monday.  Monday morning we wake up to the news that he'd had a severe heart attack during the night, had coded in the ambulance where they almost lost him and that he had a 50/50 chance.  That night I came home from work to the news that he was gone.  51.  Yes, he was 51.  One day he was there, the next he's gone and my friend Dorah is a widow.  Of course, when I first heard of the heartburn, I thought of the heart but didn't say anything.  Would it have helped - no.  One artery was 100% blocked and they said they couldn't do anything about that at the moment; the other was 99% and did get a stint.  But it was too late .. the damage was too severe.  The DNR was signed and Eric was gone. I'm assuming that he had coded again.  So at first I felt guilty because I hadn't said "go to the emergency room now" but then came the realization that those few hours wouldn't have made a big difference.  Or so I've been told so don't tell me otherwise.

But this is a reminder that death can come at any moment.  That we never know when we may lose a loved one.  We need to tell the people we love that they matter to us .. every single day, for we never know when that day will be the last.

Death often happens ..... suddenly .....


Brandy said...

How terribly sad. I hope he at least had time to spend with his loved ones before he passed. Hugs and prayers for you and his family.

Susan said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and his family. Hugs!

Bailey Stewart said...

Thank you to both of you ... and you know what? I love you both ..

MK Chester said...

Just reading this and my heart goes out to Dorah and her family and friends, including you. We lost my FIL to a heart "event" recently, no symptoms that would have alarmed anyone. You do never know--so let everyone know you love them! Love you!