Friday, March 06, 2009

No, it isn't spam

I'm sorry y'all, but I'm not in the funny mood. You see, sometime Tuesday afternoon, my good friend Vickie's cat Cissy escaped from their house and they haven't been able to find her. I don't know if you remember, but in my insanity world of MySpace (also known as MyPetSpace), Aidan has his own page and he has a wife - yeah, that Cissy. We are all so worried and heartbroken. Especially Vickie. You see, her cat Zeke disappeared a couple of days before Halloween and hasn't been seen since. But Zeke was an indoor/outdoor cat - Cissy is a total housecat and they live in the state of Washington - and it was rainy and snowy today. I just think of that poor baby lost and cold. We're hoping that someone has taken her in and that she is warm and fed. Yes, Vickie has checked the pound. Anyway, I have actually been crying a bit the last two days - and devastated.

Here is a picture of Cissy ... could you please say a prayer for her safe return?


Dru said...

oh no. I hope Cissy is found safe and from harm.

Bailey Stewart said...

Thanks Dru. I should say that by the time I got around to doing this post, I had hd a lousy day. Yesterday afternoon, Vickie had called the pound again and was told there was a cat that matched Cissy's description that had just come in. This was right before Vickie had to go to work, so I had to wait until 10:30 last night to find out. Well, it wasn't Cissy. In fact, the lady at the pound had gotten the description mixed up - how could a black calico kitten be confused with a white calico full-grown cat? So I was really discouraged at that point.

catslady said...

I'm so sorry. I guess there hasn't been any news. I've had that happen to me 3 times (once the same cat) but thank heavens all ended well. It was actually 7 and 10 days for the one cat so there's still hope! She wasn't ill, was she? And shame on them at the pound - getting your hopes up and then shattered is horrible.

Brandy said...

You know that I know how devastating this is. I will say a prayer for Cissy's safe return.

Susan said...

That has happened to me more then once, sometimes they have returned after a week or more sometimes not at all, :(

Cissy and her family, including you, will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Melissa McClone said...

Oh, how sad, Bailey. Prayers for Cissy's safe return.