Deer blogsters, mi name is bubba an i am in charge. momma iz buzy on mycatspace an haz forgot to do her blog so i am doin it. i am a gud kitty an very hansome. i am also very smart. mommy watsht futbal all day an cride becuz it wuz teh last game ob teh seeson. me an aden played wit teh round ball ting an boobear hid unner teh bed cuz he iz so frade of evryting. me an aden tellz him not to be frade, but he no listen to uz. eben teh stoopid dawgz next door scared him an dey are outside. see how silly he iz? mommie iz movin an there are lotz of boxes around an we hab fun jumpin in an out ob dem. we kinda likz it widout neely shay around here cuz we can nowz getz to mommy. fore dat neely would chaze uz away cuz she wanted all ob mommies tenshun. Nows we no longer haz to be pushed away, we gotz mommie allz to ourselvez. dat is gud. momma gibs teh katz outside sum can fudz an she no givz dem to uz. dat not nice, iz it? momma shuld givz uz teh gud smelin fud, shoudnt she? i folos momma roundz teh house an to teh potz rum where she closd teh door an i yelled noes momma, noes closd door on bubba. let bubba in. an sometime she do. den i go round her feetz so she spank me, cuz i liked to be spanked. really. it gibs me tinglez.
oh hi momma. youz bak from mycatspace?
Yes, and I don’t think they want to hear about your spanking fetish. I’ll take over from here.
I think Bubba has pretty much filled you in on our day. A lot of fun in the Stewart household. I would have let him finish this, but, I wanted to break in and tell you that I just now heard that actor Roy Scheider (man in the middle)has died. Many of you will remember him from “Jaws” where he uttered that
most famous line – “You’re gonna need a bigger boat”. He also received Oscar nominations for his work in “The French Connection” and “All That Jazz”.
He was 75.
oh hi momma. youz bak from mycatspace?
Yes, and I don’t think they want to hear about your spanking fetish. I’ll take over from here.
I think Bubba has pretty much filled you in on our day. A lot of fun in the Stewart household. I would have let him finish this, but, I wanted to break in and tell you that I just now heard that actor Roy Scheider (man in the middle)has died. Many of you will remember him from “Jaws” where he uttered that

He was 75.
I just heard about Roy Scheider this morning.
Now I want to hear more about Bubba's spanking fetish. *g* What a strange kitty!
I love the cat talk!
When I think about how my kitty, Gretchen, would talk, I somehow see it differently, though, as she is SUCH a princess - probably use the Queen's English! ;-)
Bubba! He is SUCH a redneck! But we love him anyway... maybe we love him BECAUSE he's such a redneck... or is it that spanking thing? Hmmm...
I think Jack-Jack would talk baby-talk...
Loved Roy Scheider in All That Jazz, but also in the TV thing he did for a while... SeaQuest DSV.
can't believe that about Roy Scheider. Loved JAWS.
I bet it's harder to misspell words.
I ended up watching the 3 1/2 hour grammy show. Great seeing them mix the old and new because this was the 50th grammys
Oh Tori - we may have to do a blog about Bubba's spanking fetish. LOL
Melissa, Neely Shae would have spoken with an Irish lilt.
Bubba the redneck kitty. Yep, we loves Seamas. spank, spank, spank.
I loved Seaquest too. I had forgotten about that.
Christa - I taped the Grammy's because I wanted to see the Beatle tribute. I'll probably pause and watch a few things.
ah are so crazy...I know how much you like that spanking thing :)
WOW! Roy S was 75! DANG! I am gettn old!
I saw the article about Roy Scheider last night. Poor man.
Bubba seems quite literate for a kitty with no opposable thumbs. *g* And Bubba, um, better hush on the tingles. *g*
Bubba wants spankings. Now!
Yes, we're all getting old.
tank you brandy, i'z try. itz kinda hard widout thoze tumbs tings, but i'z manage.
I just heard about Roy this morning. So sad.
A cat with spanking fetish? Do tell. Do tell.
How is Neely Shae doing at her new home?
Have a good week.
Alas, the only pictures (one pix, one video) of Bubba and spanking are owned by Susie and Ames. We'd have to talk to them.
I love all your voices - cats or otherwise :)
Thanks Bubba. Nice blogging for a redneck kitty!
How sad about Roy Scheider. I was so shocked to learn he was 75.
Bubba is so cute. :o)
Thank you Jeanne - your check is in the mail.
He did pretty good, didn't he Melissa. My Bubba's a smart little fellow.
Yes Shirley, so was I.
Yes, he's a sweet baby.
I'm off to work now. Y'all have fun.
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