So I was going to blog about the Oscars, but realized that I didn't know a lot about any of the movies nominated this year. I'm still going to watch it, because I'm an Oscar freak. George Clooney is nominated, but I've heard that the probable winner will be Daniel Day Lewis, darnit. One of my favorite parts of the show is the memoriam to those actors/actresses who have died in the past Oscar year (March 2007 thru February 2008). Don't ask me why - I've always been a celebrity obituary gal. Morbid, I know. My family calls me the obit lady. I've been called worse. Anway, here is my own personal in memoriam - because of space limitations I could only include the most famous ones. I'll be watching closely tonight to see who they leave out. I'm like that. I once wrote the Academy an email in protest because they left someone off of the list. Oscar Geek alert! So, will you/did you watch the Oscars?

Betty Hutton

Charles Nelson Reilly

Jane Wyman

Deborah Kerr

Robert Goulet
Brad Renfro
Suzanne Pleshette

Heath Ledger
Roy Scheider
I hadn't realized that the cut-off date was February 1, so that's why Roy Scheider wasn't included in the memoriam on the Oscars. But what about Brad Renfro? They didn't include him. Oh well, I guess they can't cover everybody.
didn't watch the oscars, watched Finding Nemo(yes I live under a rock and have never seen the movie) then watched No country for Old Men.
I didn't watch, but we all know that. I just don't watch awards shows. I depend on YOU Bailey to keep me apprised of any "must know" facts/wins/losses!
I always watch the memoriam too. I even mentioned it on my blog this morning!
I didn't see Bran Renfro. I was surprised given the movies he's been in. I didn't know about the cut off date either. I guess that makes sense so they don't leave someone off. Guess Roy Scheider will be one of the first next year.
I can't believe they left out Brad Renfro, he died 1/15--they better include him next year.
I didn't watch because I didn't see any of the movies. I figured you would keep me updated on the show. Love your avatar!
I only saw bits & pieces of the Academy Awards. I watched stuff I had recorded.
I didn't watch. I only watch the Tony's. That is weird about Brad Renfro, though. We watched DVDs. *g*
I did manage to find a clip of the "In Memoriam" that they did and was surprised at those who had passed that I didn't know about.
Deborah Kerr was such a great actress - I love her movies.
I live under an even bigger rock I guess...didn't even know they were on! OOPS!
Oh well I probably wouldn't even know the movies...I don't see them until they are old anyway :)
Wow didn't Ledger and Scheider die in the same week? seems like it...but then I am REALLY old now and don't have the memory I used to have :)
I don't usually watch the Oscars, just the headlines on the news. I haven't seen any of the movies either. I'm way behind!
I watched the Oscars and had a good time checking out the outfits. Red was the color this year. There were some hits and a couple of misses. Overall, it was good and George Clooney looked good.
I like the Memoriam part too because you get once last look at them.
I thought it was just me - I'm always shocked all over again because I forget the ones that died earlier in the year. It was a kinda boring year. I don't think anyone does it like Billy Crystal. There weren't any truly ugly dresses except somebody's wife that I can't remember who it was lol but black with these dodads in the front and Nicole's necklace. I was happy with the song because I hated all those disney songs. I'm afraid I hadn't seen any of the movies this year (I was sick on my husband's company movie day when we get to see at least 3 movies in one day).
Suzanne Pleshette died? And Robert Goulet? Jane Wyman too? Where the heck WAS I this past year. I watched Suzanne Pleshette on the Bob Newhart show years ago and always liked her. Hmm, suddenly I feel old...
Didn't watch the Oscars. I've been known to catch a little of the CMT awards, but I don't usually watch the other stuff. I know. I'm totally out of touch.
But then, like Bebo says, that's why we count on YOU, Bailey. :) Bebo--he's pretty smart.
Laptop connectivity problem. Check back later.
I watched the Oscars while I was fixing dinnner. Then I watched the "X-Files" with the kids. After we sent the kids to bed, I found out "No Country for Old Men" won. I had the disc (my nephews are SAG members and got copies of some of the movies) so dh and I thought we'd watch part of it. I couldn't leave my seat. I found the movie riveting. Great cast and jarring, brutal story.
I'm the same, i like paying respects to those who've passed on. It was a sad year.
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