Monday, July 13, 2009

Oh Crap!

It has begun ....

And it isn't funny ......


JR's Thumbprints said...

Crap or no crap. Hey, I thought your story at Clarity of Night stood out ... and I've read alot of stories.

Dru said...

Why was I the only one that was happy when AARP sent me a card when I was 47? All I thought about was "yes, I get an AARP discount."

Bailey Stewart said...

Um JR, thanks - but it's my sister-in-law Bebo, not me. It's okay, I like her writing too.

Dru, it's not so much the getting the discounts, it's the fact that the spring has sprung .... LOL

Susan said...

I think AARP doesn't know I exist, or maybe they just don't want me. Boo woo!

Bailey Stewart said...

Oh, they'll find you my pretty, and your little dog too .....

Brandy said...

Um, it may not be funny in real life, but the cartoon is pretty laugh-able. *G*

Bebo said...

I was so relieved when AARP forgot me after I turned 50... :-)

JR: THANK YOU. I posted on your blog too!