Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Image

See this picture? This is the picture I use for my MySpace page. It reflects what I write, laughter and love. I absolutely love those boots she’s wearing. Anyway, it’s all about the image. When I am on MySpace (and that’s a big WHEN), I am Bailey. I fill out surveys as Bailey, funny, quirky answers to stupid questions. When I do that, my readers get a sense of who Bailey Stewart really is. I’ve gotten a few positive responses, with people asking me when my book will be out, where can they find them, etc. I’m building a following without having actually written a book – not exactly a good thing, ya know? Delivering on the goods is what it’s all about. So that’s what I’m going to do this year, I’m going to deliver on the goods. Wish me luck, okay?
Anyway, that's the plan Stan, got the idea Rhea? I've just got to get back into the swing of "selling" Bailey Stewart, of getting her back out there, gather her following back around her. so that when that book is published, it'll sell. I'll have already "sold it". Then I have to live up to those expectations - and that's the scary part.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I LOVE the new look!
I will be asking you every day (ok, every weekend) about what you've written, so why are you messing around with this when you need to put pen to paper & get that book written? I wanta read it!

Brandy said...

And we'll be here to cheer you on!

Susan said...

At first I wasn't sure I was at the right blog. I love your great new look!

When and where can I get my copy of your book? That is my subtle way of saying I'm cheering you on. :)

catslady said...

I too thought I came to the wrong blog lol. I like it! And lots of luck and I look forward to reading your first book!

Anonymous said...

this is the year is it? Right On!!!

I love the new blog...

the traveling to Canada every week is killing me! I am so glad that it slowing down now and I only have to go up once in a fact the whole month of Feb. I am home :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! I like the look, boots are goofy... but what I love is the fact that when you stated "What I need to do is..." you mention that you need to get your following back around you so that when a book is out they will be there to receive it. However, I notice that you left out the part about actually WRITING the book! LOL So maybe we need to go back and revisit this little goal. Ok, so you have found your Voice, and we have established that it is a rather load voice in your head. And we now know that you have a following out there in the nether worlds... so now the most important part: The BOOK! So, to reach your goal, and add in the crucial parts needed, lets go back to the basic steps. Step one... A idea! Then some creative brainstorming, and most importantly... WORDS! Be it Pen to Paper, or Fingers to the Keyboard... You get your tush to writing young lady! And I don't just mean on your blogs and Myspace either! Start putting those chapters together and lets get this baby moving along. :-)

Anonymous said...

ROTFLMAO! Ok, so to edit my own post... LOAD = LOUD! Can you tell I am at work and have Over-dimensional transport on the brain? Haha Anywho...

Lexi said...

Yes, yes, yes, Bailey! (I'm all excited for you.) And the blog looks great!