Friday, September 16, 2011

Gonna be a Bad day

Thanks Susan.  Arthritis kept me from blogging for Wednesday .. cold front came through Wednesday night and I woke up Thursday morning sneezing my head off, nose dripping, head has the wooley feeling ... cheekbones a bit achy.  So I'm sitting down with some chicken noodle soup and then probably a nap. But I couldn't let Funny Friday go by without something to giggle at.  Have a great weekend everyone!!


Brandy said...

Hope you feel better very soon! Hugs!

Lis said...

Oh that's bad! lol

Hope you're feeling better soon. *hugs*

Bailey Stewart said...

It's okay, just this cold front blew in some allergins. I'm impersonating three of Snow White's dwarfs today ... Sleepy, Sneezy and Dopey ....

This gave me a giggle. LOL

Shirley Wells said...

Oh no. Hope you're feeling much, much better.

Thanks for the giggle. :)