Today we tackled the living room. Bebo helped me move things out of there, but I have to say that Susie was the biggest help (and I think Bebo would agree). Who knew Samoans were so strong. We could never have moved that desk without her. And it took her less time to get the tack boards up than it did for me to do the hall alone. She's a quick worker. We got the carpet up and out (with the help of the boys next door) and the room is beginning to take shape. I have no picture of it yet because everything isn't done yet, but I will. Unlike the Study, which has never been finished, this is the first room people will see when they come in the house. It is the room that I will be "living" in, so I'll get it done. Just no more tonight - maybe not tomorrow, I'm so tired. Anyway, here are some pictures, plus more ghost orbs in the one with Bebo.

More below.
Wow, looking at the pictures y'all got alot done. Good job!
Take a day to rest, your body will thank you! Bebo and Susie are great women to have helped!!
It's looking good.
Yeah, you should rest a couple of days before tackling more.
I feel glad to know I'm not the only one doing renos right now. :)
That floor beneath that carpet looks gorgoeus!!
Well done--you're making me feel tired just watching you :)
PS. I bought Sasha White's LUSH on Saturday--b/c of you :)
You're really going at it! Good job! I love home projects especially when they aren't mine. Thanks for letting us be a part of yours!
You ladies did a great job! I love the hardwood floor.
It's going to look awesome when you get it all done, B.
Boy, just looking at all that hard work makes me tired, but it looks great.
BTW, my MySpaceIM seems to be working now.
Wow! Now that's a good day's work! Looks great :)
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