Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Winter Wonderland ... Not!

Cat Marsters/Kate Johnson is doing a really great thing over at her blog. Please go over and check it out.

Seamas is a shithead. (You know Bubba is in trouble when I call him by his proper name.) He keeps going over to the tree and pulling at the lights. While I’m sitting here. Like I don’t exist. I’ve yelled at him three times already. Now he’s coming over to me to try to kiss up. Good luck.

North Texas can’t decide what the temperature ought to be. Monday it didn’t leave the 40s and Tuesday it was almost 70. It’ll be near the 70s most of the week. I wasn’t sure how to dress for work Tuesday morning since we started out in the 30s.

I’ve been on a Christmas movie kick on the weekends. One of the channels is showing back-to-back tacky made for TV movies and I’ve been inhaling them, no matter how stupid they are. I just finished The Shalvis’ “The Trouble With Paradise” (and will be reviewing it soon) and I’m not sure what I’ll start on next. What are you reading?


Brandy said...

Don't you love when cats actually do something in front of you that they KNOW they aren't supposed to do? It's almost like having a Toddler, or teenager! *g* I stayed up last night reading P.S. I Love You by Ceceilia Ahern and am also reading Divorced, Desperate and Delicious by Christia Craig.

Bailey Stewart said...

Don't you love when cats actually do something in front of you that they KNOW they aren't supposed to do?

No *gg*

Shesawriter said...

I've been bitching and complaining about the seventy degree weather, and now we're supposed to have snow tomorrow. Now I can bitch and complain about that. Yippie! :-/

Bailey Stewart said...

I'd like to have a little bit of snow.

Unknown said...

We have snow here in PA at the moment. I like it for Christmas, then it can go.

Good luck with your cat!

Bailey Stewart said...

Lee - I have a lot of baking to do and I can't seem to do it when it's 70 degrees outside. I'll take a little snow.

It's the cats you have to say good luck to. *gg*

Thanks for dropping by.

Diane said...

And there was me telling Melissa you know how to keep the cats off your tree. Tsk. Mine don't seem to be interested in ours ... or is that famous last words?

Did someone mention SNOW?

Anonymous said...

I hate TX weather in December, too. Plays havoc with the allergies & asthma. (not to mention my attitude.) My cats have discovered a new game - Race Around the Tree - If they run under/around it & just brush it while speeding by the whole thing shakes & makes jingly sounds which they then come to a screeching halt & turn to investigate. Go figure.

I just finished a Cat Who book (one I hadn't read before) and am working on yet another cozy.

Question: Why do they call murder mysteries Cozy's? People get KILLED in these things! What's cozy about that? Well... just food for thought. (hahaha - the book is called "Cooking up Murder" by Miranda Bliss)

Melissa McClone said...

Oh, sorry about the kitty woes. They sure can push our buttons. One of mine hopped on the bed while I was in the midst of deadline writing, looked right at me and peed. I was in shock she'd do something like that right in front of me.

Tori Lennox said...

The weather this year is SOOOO freaky!

Anonymous said...

I love watching those movies too!

It's like a three ring circus here with the cats and dog chasing each other around the tree.

Bailey Stewart said...

Diane - I know how to keep cats off the tree? In another life. And yes, there was snow mentioned, but not here darnit.

Bailey Stewart said...

Bebo, aren't you supposed to be working?

Bailey Stewart said...

Melissa - LOL, sorry, but that's too funny. That's a symbol for "You're not paying me enough attention" or "clean the litterbox".

Bailey Stewart said...

You can say that again Tori.

Bailey Stewart said...

Susan, the only chasing around the tree that's going on is me chasing the cats.

Aren't those silly movies?

Anonymous said...

The only thing that works for me with 6 out of 7 cats lol is a spray bottle with water. I have one cat that all I have to do is pretend by holding my fingers out and going psssst roflmao. I could drench my oldest cat and she could care less.

We got our first snowstorm today and all the whusses canceled things. Like Lee I like the idea of snow for Christmas but that's it.

Lis said...

I'd gladly send you the -30C weather and snow. Even expresspost it down to ya! :o)
Ah, the made for tv holiday movies. Always fun to watch. I taped the one with Jenny McCarthy last year where she's Santa's daughter and saw one with the guy who played Chris on Gilmore Girls that was pretty good. Still haven't watched National Lampoon's yet, so its not officially the holidays! *g*

Dru said...

You know Bubba was taunting you.

I love all the old holiday classic movies that comes on cable.

Lexi said...

OMG, the TX weather is irritating me too!

I'm smack dab in the middle of a book called The Spirit of Christmas by Margo Early. It's another version of Dickens' A Christmas Carol. I really like it so far.

Bailey Stewart said...

It's going to be back down into the 50s this weekend w/rain. Yes, it's irritating to both me and my sinuses.

Anonymous said...

No cats, full tree :) I'm trying to finish The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. Having a hard time though, she uses a device to tell the story and has gone a little overboard. I'm over-bored!

Bailey Stewart said...

No cats, full tree

I wouldn't trade you.

Rene said...

I read where this weekend we are going to get pounded with a storm. During the rain, it isn't real cold (will be in the 50's) but a cold front is following and at night we will hit frost temperatures. Personally, I'm not into that whole "White Christmas" thing. That's why I live in California.

Rene said...

Oh, and I'm reading "My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding." It is an anthology from fantasy/mystery writers.

Bailey Stewart said...

I have that book on my TBR pile somewhere. I bought it because of Jim Butcher.

Blogger isn't telling me when people are commenting. What's up with that?

Bailey Stewart said...

Now see, Jeanne I missed you because of blogger.

water bottle doesn't work. BooBear likes water. Besides, I squirt them and they leave, but then they come back later on.

Bailey Stewart said...

I didn't see you either Lis. Yeah, you can go ahead and send that weather here, I'll take it for a few days.

Bailey Stewart said...

You too Dru.

Bubba is cruisin' for a spanking, only he enjoys those.

Christa said...

I recently finished Christmas Presents and Past by Janice Kay Johnson and now working on The Sheikh and the Christmas Bride. Since the snow we had melted(except the pile that the plows left that are all grey and yucky) hopefully Christmas books will get me in the spirit.

raine said...

Gave up on Xmas trees long ago.
It was a losing battle.

And I'd be glad to send you ALL of our cold and snow, for the rest of the winter. I think it'd change your mind...

Melissa Amateis said...

My cat is a ninja - she strikes at night when I'm not around. My Christmas tree was beautiful when I went to bed last night - when I woke up this morning, the bottom of it had been demolished. Of course, my kitty just sits there and looks at me with those darn innocent eyes. AAARGHHH!

Oh yes - reading Victoria Alexander's A Visit from Sir Nicolas, I think it's called. Christmas-y book, so that's why I snatched it up. :-)

Bailey Stewart said...

They've managed to pull the lights loose from the bottom of the tree. Sheesh.