Yep, got that right, for some reason I just can’t make myself read. It’s not like I don’t have anything on the shelves
TO read. Far from it. I have two of Jill’s books – the last two Blazes
Flashpoint and
Flashback, plus Saskia Walker’s newest one that she so graciously sent me,
Reckless (waving at Saskia). We won’t even mention the
LOAD of books I bought a couple of months ago. Did you read that right? Two Jill Shalvis books sitting unread! I know, scary. I just can’t get into the mood, or whatever is required to read. No writing either (hey JJ, I know I owe you something, I promise its coming!!). I don’t know if it’s the summer blues, my birth sign isn’t in align with the moon, my underwear’s too tight? I don’t know, and I don’t like it. There was a time that it was hard to find me without a book in my hands. I miss reading. I miss writing. I don’t miss rithmetic though …
So, be that as it may (does anyone really know what that means?), I’ve got to get reading. What do you do to help yourself do something that you aren’t in the mood to do? Is there some trick that you have, some special incantation that you throw to the universe? Help me out folks!!
In the meantime, I received this really heartfelt email from
Lis. It seems that there are these twins that really need foster care. They need TLC and a lot of attention. Can’t you find it in your hearts to help them out? I’ve signed up for Wednesday’s, I figure it’s the least I could do. And once you look into their sad faces, you too will be unable to turn them away. Please, won't you help foster them?

Those poor boys. LOL! (waving!)
Oh my goodness! Those boys need all the loving care they can get! I'll sign up for Monday, Tues, Fri, Sat...
What do you MEAN I have to share??!!
Oh, heavens! Those poor homeless boys. They definitely need a good home. *g*
Aaawww, someone have to give them a good home.
Well I guess since I have such a large house I will be the one FORCED to take them in! sigh...well I guess if I have to I can do it for twins...I would hate to break up the set. :) I don't want to do something...I figure out what it is I am doing instead and remove it...normally for is books that have to be moved :)
Good Luck!! Although I really must say...not wanting to read just goes against about everything I know!! you too! I can not believe you have not even read Jill's books! I'm telling!!!!! :)
Hi Saskia!!!! (waving back again)
Bebo? No sweetie, you must give others the chance to be foster mothers.
Yes Tori, that's what I thought too. I'm so glad that I decided to try to help these poor boys.
Dru, yes please do sign up for a day. I promise that I won't let Bebo be a hog.
Blabbermouth!! Jill already knows. So there!!!
I know, that's what I'm saying - not even Jill's books. It's getting frustrating.
Awww, poor fella's. *G*
As for reading, I get in a funk every now and then and usually feel lost when I do. I switch genres when it gets bad. I didn't want to read any of the romance books I had, so I picked up a YA.
Good luck!
Wow, those poor boys!
What do you do to help yourself do something that you aren’t in the mood to do?
I promise myself something good once I do the thing I don't want to.
Like...I promise myself that I'll continue to be able to eat if I go to the job I hate every day...
going to work = eating. Yeah, that would work for me ... LOL
it used to be that reading was my award.
I know the feeling, sometimes I will not read for long periods of time. But one day I just end up forcing myself into it. I pick up a book, sit down and make myself read at least a chapter. Soon my own curiosity takes over and i'm off and running... I'll read voraciously for a couple months, then i'll stop again. It's my own private rollercoaster really. Hehe
Now, about these twins... I've always wanted twins! (Take that however you like and you'd probably still be right! LOL)
P.S.> I received your write-ups! Better late than never. Hehe All is forgiven... now go read something! ;-p
I'll take those poor boys in any day!
It must be something with December babies, I've been in a funk where reading is concerned too.
Its so sad about those twins isn't it? Just gets to ya every time I read it *g*
I'm in the same mood lately, must be something in the air.
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