Friday, November 30, 2007

A Night in the Stewart Household

The house was quiet as I sat huddled in my big ol’ chair reading my latest favorite Shalvis book, The Trouble With Paradise. Giggling, entranced by the words before me I barely registered you sliding up beside me until your tongue slicked into my ear.

“Stop that” I said, pushing you away.

Again your tongue flicked across my lobe.

“Not now, I’m reading” I pushed as I shuddered from the wetness.

I could feel your eyes boring through the book, but I ignored you and soon became immersed once again. You were silent and I forgot your presence. You left me to my book and I settled into the silence of the house and the pleasure of the story. Then a sound caught me and I looked up and slammed the book down.

“Aidan! Quit eating the tree!” I shouted across the room. As usual, you ignored me and continued nibbling on the branch, a hairs breath away from my favorite cat ornament.

“Aidan!” I half rose from my seat and you swung around, fluffy tail held high, slid against the wall and on down the hall.

I picked up the book, settled back down into the chair and began to read again. But I knew you’d be back, fluffy tail, tongue and all.


Brandy said...

I have an ear snuffler as well. A cat! A CAT! *g* He's trying to eat your tree? Your christmas tree? HAHAHA! Great post!

Dru said...

LOL at Aidan. He just wanted your attention.

Have a good weekend.

Lis said...

lol So, did he go back to the tree?

Bailey Stewart said...

Yes, Lis, and also with the tongue. I don't know what it is about him and sticking his tongue in my ear.

Anonymous said...

*shudder* YUCK! It's bad enough when mine sticks his wet nose in my ear and PURRRRRRS as loud as he can. But a cold, wet, kitty-nose? eeeeeeewwwwwwwww!!!!

Anonymous said...

lol I have one out of 7 that does that. If I let him do it he actually takes the skin right off! I happen to use nose drops and a few cats love the stuff - I have to bury my head at night so they don't get to me!

Melissa McClone said...

LMAO. thanks, Bailey. And Aidan.

Spy Scribbler said...

You had me going there, LOL! And you have a very pretty big baby there! Beautiful, actually.

Anonymous said...

Methinks you're getting your groove back, Stella...

Bailey Stewart said...

Methinks so too.