Well actually they called it a festival, but "A Day at the Festival" just doesn't have the same ring to it. Another North Texas Irish Festival has come to a close. I'm already looking forward to next year. I tried to get a couple of pictures, but no matter what I did with the EV, flash, etc. I just couldn't get the indoor pictures to come out. I could have taken another picture of the sword guys but why - I have two from last year. So I took this picture of the bagpipers. Yeah, bagpipers - what can I say?
We ate too much, walked too much (yes too much, when your feet hurt and your knees ache - then it's too much). Beverly (that would be Bebo) had a Guiness for you Susan - I hope you enjoyed it. Saw Aefa Clancy and Robbie O'Connell sing - had to, those are two of my ancestor names. Aefa is the daughter of Bobby Clancy of The Clancy Brothers, a great Irish group that I love. Heard Eileen Ivers, saw Irish dancing, and ogled quite a few men in kilts. Bebo even got knocked over by an Irish Wolfhound. Yes, she got knocked over by a dog. She's a little sore, but nothing serious. Anyway, I'm off to bed now.
Glad to hear you had a good time! I've seen those Irish Wolfhounds, I BET she's sore! Did you have a pastie? My Dh adores them. Seriously. Bagpipers, ooooh. Love to hear them. Did you get a new mug? Rest your knees and feet, night.
Glad you enjoyed your day in spite of dogs, sore knees and legs. No pain no gain even in entertainment these days, eh?
I can get in!!! Blogger has been having a problem and I haven't been able to get into any blogger site this morning, let alone my own.
Brandy - No pastie. I love bagpipes too. I got a Clancy mug. Oooh, and I got a beautiful carved figurine - from bogland in Ireland. It's the Celtic Harp. That was at the Ulster Project booth. I got a couple of T-Shirts. I'll try to get a picture of them and post them because one of them is hysterical. The knees are okay this morning, its my lower back that's aching this morning.
Ruby - Thanks Ruby. It'll be a while before I get a break again. Bebo starts school this weekend, so no days out for about 3 or 4 weeks.
Peggy - there's fun stuff for all ages here too. Kids area, some rides, face painting, etc.
That looks like a lot of fun. That's great how you get out and see the world around you.
Wow, sounds like all sorts of fun! Except for the sore feet and knees of course. Hope Bebo has recovered from the Wolfhound incident!
Glad you had a great time, despite the aches and pains.
Glad you had fun!!!!
My brother and dad play Irish music. My brother has won all sorts of UK medals for his banjo playing in particular. My dad can play just about any instrument and can learn any song but he can't read music. Always impresses me. He actually made a record when I was a kid with Sean Cannon--who then went on to play with the Dubliners. We always had loads of Irish music people in our house--not that I remember their names LOL. (I am name challenged)
It looks like a wonderful day! I can relate to the sore bits as i finally did some more yoga and now feel 50!
those are dern big dogs to get knocked over by! glad you had a good time despite that
I'm so glad you and Bebo had such a good time! Now I know the reason why my thirst was suddenly quenched so nicely yesterday afternoon. Thanks Bebo! LOL
I have been having trouble with blogger all morning. Let's see if they have it cleared up.
Scott - with the agoraphobia I wouldn't be able to go to this festival without Bebo driving. But yeah, it's wonderful to get out and observe human nature.
Joely - you would love this. All sorts of Authurian stuff there too.
Shirley - It's always fun.
Toni - I just love Irish music. Although I have to admit I'm not that fond of tenors. And I like the Dubliners too. I think I have a CD with them on it. Yeah on the Yoga!
Dennie - Dern big dawgs!
Susan - Anything we can do to help.
And y'all are going to love this. Two people thought Bebo was my mother!!! She's only 3 years older than me - she's having her haircut today (snort). I do have to say that I look a little younger than I actually am, but not THAT much.
Okay, I'm making my way through blogging and their are still some sites that won't let me in - I've been "forbidden" from Scott and Diane's sites so far. I hate it when that happens. Diane didn't know what was happening last time, so I'm not going to try to guess what's going on this time either. I just wanted y'all to know that if I haven't been to your blog yet, I've tried.
I love bagpipes...especially if they're playing in the streets of Edinburgh. (wg)
Jordan - I bet you do.
Extremely bad pounding headache - will get back to y'all later.
Eve, sorry to hear about the headache! By the way, w/ blogger and the 'forbidden' thing, sometimes if you just refresh it will fix itself! And here we got you over to blogger because Bravenet was messing w/ ya!
I have a cover!!
I have a cover!!
well for crying out loud! Took forever to get to this page :(
Been very busy today...probably tomorrow too...sorry!
Talk to you later...oh the good news is I am still home...I hear it is FREEZING up in Calgary!!!!
Hi Eve! Sorry I haven't been by yet. Glad you enjoyed the festival. Charlie cat was ill at the weekend (why did he chose Sunday when I couldn't take him to the vet?) So I had to be late for school yesterday. He was admitted with a temperature of 104! He'd caught an infection so they pumped him full of antibiotics and I could take him home today. Incredible how quickly they recover. He's back to his usual self but I've got to get those tablets down him somehow . . .
Sounda like a lot of fun!
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