Now on to other things. Guess what comes out today?

Her Passion by Denise Belinda McDonald
ISBN: 1-59998-052-5
Length: Novella
Price $3.50
Genre: Romance/Contemporary
Publication Date: March 14, 2006
Can a brief affair sustain a woman before her upcoming, loveless marriage?
Joel Burkhart’s life is work, work and more work until he finds that one woman he’s compared every other woman to since high school, but she’s taken.
Colleen Nance feels her life closing in on her with her nuptials nearing. When passion ignites, she loses her head and loses control.
With a ticking clock, can the pair find what the need in each other or are they destined to continue in a passionless life where status quo is good enough?
You can order it at Samhain Publishing or through Dennie's blog.
Glad to hear Devlin is doing better. If you would like me to send you a child, just say the word. I got a couple of spares. They are terrified of cats, so it would be very amusing (I'm so embarassed, it isn't phobia-scared, it's dorky scared).
BTW, how come I always get the freakin' 20 letter word verification on blogger posts?
Yeah, for Devlin! Woo-Hoo! Still keeping him in my prayers, though. Good Work, Mama of Devlin (and others).
I am so glad Devlin's doing better!
and thanks for the plug!
Rene - I don't know - sometimes I get long verifications, sometimes short. I could take it off, but its supposed to keep out spammers. Re: kids ... hm, no, but thanks anyway. I can beat these and get away with it *gg*
Brandy - yeah, all is good. He's sleeping now - still doesn't have a lot of energy, but I'm pleased.
Dennie - any time, hon.
Just thought I'd quickly come by before I go to bed since it's almost 0200. I was also about to send you an e-mail that someone else sent me.
I'm so glad that Dev is showing signs of improvement. I can imagine that he's still shaky and not up to battling his "siblings" for his toy. Illness of any kind does drain us creatures. That's very normal. We're still praying and I hope you're able to get a good night's sleep. Don't worry, the "mommy instinct" will kick in if Devlin needs you.
Hmm, come to think of it: My brother had the "mommy instinct" in their family. He'd wake up if the kids needed him, not my sister-in-law. But then he changed more diapers too.
And, Dennie, Congratulations on your book. It looks great. I sort of have to see if my finances will allow it. Somehow that beginning reminds me of the "runaway bride". That's a great plot-line. Wonder how things turn out in your story.
So glad to hear Devlin's doing well. You'll be in my thoughts.
And these word verifications drive me mad - especially when I'm commenting on my own blog. As if I'd spam myself. :o)
Ruby - Thanks. And you're quite right about the "mother instinct".
Shirley - (snort) yeah, and why do I always get an email saying that I've commented - I know that already.
QUESTION: I meant to put this in the post. I'm looking for an ereader, but I really don't know what I'm looking for. I keep coming up with PDA's. Is that what it is? Cece gave me a link to ebay which had some listed, but when I tried to look up those particular brands at Circuit City or Best Buy they didn't have them. I don't want to buy one from mail order (my luck it would arrive damaged and then I would have to pack it up and send it back) I want to buy from a store. Tell me what I'm looking for people, please.
Oh, btw, do you like my avatar (the picture on the blog, for those who don't know)? Also, I want one of those things next to my name when I post, but how do I get one? I know, I'm so full of questions this morning.
I saw that picture of Devlin and it tugged on my strings. I remember when I got my little kitty, no bigger than the palm of my hand. I'm happy that he's better now.
How exciting on the book release!
On the avatar, you have to edit your settings and specify the url of the avatar somewhere on the first page. You'll find it, just poke around. I created a post and specified the image for inclusion, then took the resulting url from the source of the post and used that address. I'm sure there is an easier way, but that's how I did it.
How many letters, Rene?
It's the fancy ones with stuff all over them and when they're merged together, that I keep getting rejected.
Thanks Scott - now that I'm a little more awake this morning (and since it was midnight that I was working on it) I think I have an idea.
Diane - every once in a while Yahoo will require a verification - those are hard because they put a squiggly line through it and I can't tell which is which. And on bravenet it was difficult to distinguish between the 9 and the lower case g. Oh bother. But it's better than spam.
Sooooo glad Devlin is better. These little darlin's can become so precious to us.
And I bought Dennie's book last night! So proud of her!
Joel Burkhart and Joely Burkhart? I have only just noticed that!!!
Yeahhh Dennie!!!!
Yeay, Devlin!!!!!!
Eve, the week seems to be improving for you :) Looking forward to your avatar!!! Let me know if you have trouble!! I have a sexy b/w image I amy use when I'm between books (FBA talking here :)) Snort!
Sandy - I'm proud of her too. And if I can only find a reader ... I have a couple of ebooks on my computer now, but the problem is that my CD writer doesn't like me, so I have no place to safely store them (Bebo and I have a plan) and I would hate to get any more and then have the hard drive crash again.
Toni - Yes, the week is looking better (but I haven't balanced the checkbook yet) and will be especially nice if I can get at least one nap in? And you will forever be my FBA, even when you are a BA.
Hey, that's a first where I see my strange last name in a story! Very cool! Eve, I'm so glad Devlin is better!
Joely - Yeah - I think it's cool too. Eve's a nice name ...
Peggy - I hope sickly child is feeling better and that you get to escape. Ah yes, kitty snuggle hugs are going around.
I have to say I got the last name from a guy the DH works with - never met the man but it stuck out when I was writing the book! that's too freaky!
And uh-oh - I never saw the Runaway Bride - hmm - guess it's too late to check that out - LOL
thanks for all the kudos - it's all still so weird!
A little bit of sad news in the midst of our celebrating. Butterfly's grandfather has passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family at this sad time. Take care hon.
I'm so happy Devlin is feeling better. Bailey better be careful because when Devlin has totally recouped he just may want to get even!
Congratulations Dennie!
Oh, I'm so glad Devlin is doing better. That is just wonderful news!
Oh I am so happy to here Dev is doing better...hopefully he will continue on the mend :)
I thought we had this discussion about the e-reader thing??? You know what you could do too, is get a flash drive. I got one for less than $15 before Christmas. But I will go look around and see if I can help you find something :)
Butterfly--sorry for your loss! I lost my last grandparent 2 years seems very odd not to have them anymore!!!!!
Yeah, but that's for the computer. I want something I can take to bed with me and read before I go to sleep.
((((Hugs and Prayers)))) Butterfly!
So glad that Devlin is doing well.
And congrats to Dennie!
I just printed my copy of "Her Passion". Can't wait to dive in.
Butterfly - my deepest sympathy... You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Eve, a coule of years ago there were specific portable e-readers. They don't make those anymore. PDA's are what is used now. They can store many e-books especially if you buy a memory card to go w/ them. What specifically do you need to know about them. I can ask Dh to scout a few for you if you'd like. Glad to hear that Devlin is doing better!
As for Butterfly, I am so sorry to hear of her loss. I have one grandparent left and am scared that there won't be many more years w/ her.
Hey Eve!
I thought I'd stop by your place to check it out. Nice digs. LOL!
Oh, Eve, I've been thinking of which e-reader is best too. There seem to be so many different formats of books and they're not necessarily available for just plain old computers. I should to to AIR to see if they have any there.
I thought the Avatar was cute, though I can't see it right now.
Dennie, I meant the bride who ran away from her wedding in GA (wasn't it?) and then was found in AZ or somewhere?
I'm very sorry for your loss, Butterfly. I know this time must be very hard. May God be your greatest Comfort as well as the rest of your family. Hugs and prayers.
Oh {blushes} gotcha, Ruby -
Susie - I hope you enjoy it
I'm sure she will Dennie.
Brandy - I just need to know what one is - are they PDA's?
Hey Tanya - welcome anytime.
Goodnight Ruby. Goodnight everyone!
Denise congrats on the new release...........
And Eve I'm so tickled the babe is doing better and I know the boys will be too =)
He's wrasslin' Cece - and about to drive me nuts. But I love it. He says "Howdy" to the boys.
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