Lookie what's come out!
Her Sanctuary
Running for her life, ex-FBI agent Elizabeth Ward escapes to Montana with a new identity. She craves peace and solitude to lick her wounds, but instead finds handsome rancher Nat Sullivan. Nat is trying to hold his ailing family together, while struggling to keep the ranch from bankruptcy. The last thing he needs is a beautiful stranger reminding him there is more to life than work. But Elizabeth is not what she seems. And when a murderer and rapist track her down to the remote mountain ranch, they all find out about the power of revenge.
Author: Toni Anderson
Publisher: Triskelion
Publishing Date: April 2006 (ebook)
Print Release: TBA
Sounds like a really good story. I went to Toni's website the last time you mentioned something and looked her up.
Missed the update of Devlin's test results. I'm sorry he has to be on antibiotics. But it's always more comforting to actually know what's wrong even if there's not much you can do. However, in this case it seems you can. I hope the antibiotics aren't too expensive. Do they have health-insurance for pets?
Hugs and prayers are still winging their way to you both. I'm glad you had at least 6 and a half hours of uninterrupted sleep. Can't remember when I last had that.
We celebrated my sister-in-law's father's 80th birthday today (it was on 24th). He's still in rehab hospital after breaking his hip more than a month ago.
I've got bad pains in my arms, especially the right from fingertips to back. I don't even know how to lie since both shoulders are so sore. I'm afraid I'll wake up one morning and have radial nerve palsy again like I did once before. So might not always come and say hello in the next little while. I hope to, but I'll have to see.
Hope your writing goes better again soon as you rethink that last chapter.
Looks like a good book!
Congratulations Toni! (And yes, she deserves the exclamation mark.)
Brandy - Yes it is a good book!
Toni - you got an exclamation mark from Diane (that's a big honor *g*)
Ruby - they do have health insurance for pets, but unfortunately I didn't have any on Devlin (just with humans it will not pay for pre-existing conditions) and I basically could not afford it for all of the cats.
Thanks Eve--wow. I can't believe my story is out!!
Thanks Diane for the exclamation mark. I read your blog and you'll be near my part of the country (well my home town is in Shropshire, close to the west midlands) this week! LOL. I miss England today and forgot to phone my mom yesterday! Darn it. Mother's day is different over here.
Ruby, I hope your pains go away!! Ugh.
Eve--poor Devlin. What to say? I hope he gets better soon.
Thanks, Toni. It's been pretty bad for about a week or so.
Hope I can get your book. I'd love to.
This one sounds intriguing. And I'm loving that cover. Makes me want to hop up on that horsie with him. LOL!
What a great way to wake up on a Monday morning.
Ruby- hope those pains go away soon.
Eve- You're right about that pet insurance, it's expensive. Friends of mine bought a purebred chihuahua(sp?) and they kept getting calls if they wanted insurance but it was too expensive and they have other priorities right now. They are both long distance truck drivers so their first priority is getting an apartment and then getting her car on the road.
Toni - It's out, it's out!!
Tanya - isn't the cover just scrumptious?
Christa - and for me, if I can't afford health insurance for myself, I'm definitely not getting it for the cat, as much as I love him.
Snoopy dance. Snoopy dance...pitter, pitter, pitter, SNOOPY DANCE! CONGRATULATIONS, TONI!!!!!
Meretta - it's great, isn't it :)
Ruby, those pains sound awful! Good health is something we take foregranted until we lose it! Hope you feel better soon.
Tanya, I like the horse too. Would love to go off into the sunset holding onto my hero!!!
I've thought about health insurance for my dogs, but I can't afford it. Maybe I'll get it for the younger one. Then I feel bad about the old girl. sigh. guilt and pets :(
Keep coming back to look at that cover, don't you? LOL
I know - I probably could have afforded insurance for one, but then I would feel guilty about the others.
Yup keep coming back for the pic.
Gotta go watch OLTL. back in an hour.
Great cover, Toni! Congrats! And love the premise of the story. Intrigues me for sure!
Eve: Love the avatar pajama look
Sandy - I just felt like being comfy today.
Thanks Sandy :)
Toni - sneaking back to look at the picture, huh? ;-)
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