Another lovely day at work - I am so tired of this place. I love the bookstore, there's just such an atmosphere of "blah" here now. Tomorrow will be better. Bebo and I are going to The North Texas Irish Festival - its the largest Irish festival in the Southwest. She and I go every year. I plan to get another mug with one of my Irish coats of arms on it. I have O'Connell and Hanlon, so only Clancy and Brady to go. Then my Irish t-shirt is a must - oh, and a stop at the Ulster Project which brings children from Ireland to the U.S. - Catholic in a Protestant household and vice versa I think. Anyway, its a worthwhile project and I like to support it. Here is one of the only two pictures that came out from last years trip. I'll have to check the directions on my digital camera because none of the pictures that I took indoors came out. Irish bands and singers come from Ireland, Canada and the U.S. and there is music everywhere. And Guiness :)
So, what do y'all have planned for the weekend?
The Irish Festival sounds brilliant. Hope you have a great time.
Erin Go Bra-less! Oh wait... no I still can't spell that. Well, Slainte!
Hooray for men in kilts & bonnets & other non-ordinary garb! (very oggle-able!) Hooray for Celtic music/dancing. Hooray for Guiness & Harp! Hooray for the whiskey tasting room! WooHoo for a fun day out of the house!
Maybe I'll get a mug w/ my family name this yr. Maybe I'll just drink some more beer. Hmmmm
Shirley - we'll have a good time. I just have to get through today. I hate going to work now ...
We're going to have Bebo's grandson tonight. His mother is going to sit with mom tomorrow while we're gone so we figured we would give her a break tonight. This should be interesting as we're (mom and I) aren't used to having kids around.
Bebo - Slainte!
CRAP! I totally forgot to email you! UGHHHHHHH Sorry baby!
It's okay - I knew it was short notice but wanted to make the invite anyway - next year!
You say ya'll and claim to be Irish ;-/ And what's that about kilts? Do you want a lecture on Irishmens' kilts???
I'm kidding, have a lovely day out!!!
Must get DH's kilt out of the cupboard and dry cleaned for the wedding this summer (even though he's Irish LOL). And find some new buttons, and flashes, and new socks... Bloody expensive and I bet I don't even get myself a new frock! Anyway (moaning mini has only just got up LOL). Ignore me. Have a BLAST!!!!
Paddy's Day soon.
I hope you and Bebo have a wonderful time tomorrow at the festival. The Ulster Project sounds like a great project! Have a Guiness for me.:>
Toni - Brat :) Even though they call it an Irish Festival, there is quite a lot of Scottish stuff there too. Go figure. Like we Irish can't fill up a festival on our own.
Susan - one Guiness for you!
I don't drink coffee--maybe that is the problem :) Peed off as Dh is at work today and tomorrow. Another day in paradise with the snow continuing to fall! I have cabin fever.
The Irish festival sounds like a lot of fun! I used to go to Scottish festivals (and renaissance festivals--I even dressed up for those!). I miss that.
I'm listening to Celtic music on Sirius right now. Wish they had a whole station devoted to it instead of just 3 hours a week. Ah well.
Toni - yep, a little Irish Cream would do ya some good - Bailey's. Just don't let him have any!
Tori - Bebo likes to go to the Renaissance Fair - we have a pretty big one here, but she hasn't been in years. She would dress up for those. Station devoted to Celtic music would be great! Busy today - gotta go.
Sounds like fun! Have a great time!!
Love Irish cream (though don't allow myself too much - honest). I don't have anything planned for this week-end, excerpt running a title contest at my blog. Thanks for the idea!
You're welcome! I'll have to get over there and see what you're up to.
Eve, you're so lucky. I love going to the Scottish games and such! I have both Scotttish and Irish in my family. (can you guess I turn cherry red in the sun?) I hope you have a GREAT time! "Cead Mile Failte", 'a thousand welcomes' in gaelic.
Wow, that sounds like tons of fun! Hope you have a great time! We greatly enjoyed Curious George.
Brandy - they're threatening rain - only 20% but with my luck lately ...
Joely - glad you enjoyed the movie.
Next year for everyone!
Wish I could have gone - ended up cleaning like a mad woman will the hubby was out - sheesh!
but.... my desk is clean and I have ANOTHER cold (though it's allergies - all that dern dust!I knew cleaning was bad......
I didn't have anything planned for my weekend. My sister planned that I would spend three hours helping her shop for my mom's birthday party, and then another three at said party. My daughter planned that I would attend her Brownie cookie booth, then that I would pack her things so she could spend the night with her friend, and then go deliver said stuff. My husband planned that he would skip the party so he could go spend time with his friends (butthead) and my Cost Accounting teacher planned a test for Monday so I have to find time to study for that, in between going back to Walmart for the rest of the stuff for the party and doing laundry and dishes... I need a vacation from my family.
Dennie - yeah, old dust and mold does me in, which is exactly why I work at a dirty, moldy, dusty used bookstore - sheesh. My Saturday nights are a hackfest.
Butterfly - so what you're saying is that you have no plans for the weekend :)
Irish festival=beer. Love it.
Nothing but baseball and housework for me. We are pretty dull.
That sounds like my normal weekend. I'm exhausted and my feet hurt so will tell everyone about the day on tomorrow's blog.
Hope you enjoyed the Irish Festival (from one colleen to another)!
I had nothing planned for the weekend. I probably should have because it was noise, noise, noise all day Saturday. I fled to the library for a while--not noiseless there either but not as intense. Today, the kid upstairs has been running and jumping and thumping close overhead. I guess I'm too keyed up. Have an important appointment tomorrow. And my digestion knows it. Yuck.
Well, I don't have an Irish drop of blood in me. I did get to breathe some Irish air in the fall of 1979. On my way home from Germany to Canada, I stopped to see friends from university who lived in Dublin. They showed me some of the countryside and I took myself around the innards of Dublin. I especially loved the Book of Kells at Trinity College, I think. It's such a beautiful illuminated manuscript. So was walking along the river. It's a lovely city. I hope to go back sometime to really tour the country.
Fergus, Ontario has one of the biggest Scottish Festivals in N.A. outside of Nova Scotia probably. Diana Gabaldon has been here several times that I know of. She's also been to London, ON where I saw her, got her then-latest book "The Fiery Cross" signed and briefly talked to her. Fergus is about an hour's drive from here but she happened to be there around the time of my brother's birthday. So his birthday "party" ended up on the day I had wanted to go to the Fergus festival.
Eve, thanks for the entries! You're amazing. But you already know that, don't you?
Hey EVE! Just checking to see if you had a good time. Hope so. Have a great night. B.
I'm very familiar with the Texas Renaissance Festival and Scarborough Faire. Those are the ones I used to attend, lo these many years ago. :)
I had forgotten you used to live in Texas! I haven't been to the Scarborough Fair, but Beverly swears she's going next year. They had a booth set up at the Irish Festival too.
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