Wednesday, June 07, 2006

As the Scarecrow Flies

Or, I've Lost My Brain and I Can't Get Up

Really. I know that's hard to believe, but I've lost it. I know it's in one of these boxes here somewhere. I could have sworn I put it in one of the boxes marked "study" but I can't find it. I hope nobody took it literally and sent it to the Mayo clinic. If so, I expect to have it returned any day now with a label that says "Empty Box". I have been more forgetful, more absentminded, more scatterbrained (think I can come up with any other synonyms?) lately than I have in a long time. It's really embarrassing. Take my TV remote (actually, please don't - I've looked too long and hard for it). When Bebo moved in, for some reason known only to the move-in elves, we decided that she would bring her TV and I'd put the one in my bedroom out in the garage. So there it sat for four and 1/2 months gathering dust. My cousin's husband helped Bebo move some stuff out on May 19th and moved the TV back in to the bedroom for me. I didn't hook it up until the evening of the 21st (the date is important). But I couldn't find the remote. Nor the cable that hooked the VCR to the TV. The last wasn't a major problem as we rarely used the VCR in mom's room, so I stole that cable. We'll skip the problems of channel surfing without a remote, or the fact that my VCR for some unknown reason likes to bring up the TV menu screen periodically whenever I hit fast forward - and the only way to get it off is by pushing a button on the ... you got it, remote. Had to get up and turn the TV off and then on again. Anyhoo - When I'd go out through the garage, I'd check a box or two, nothing but books. Susie helped bring in the boxes from the garage on Saturday. That night I frantically went through them (oh, and I might add that the cable was in a basket on the cedar chest in the living room the entire time). Frustrated, I walk through the bedroom towards the door and just happened to look up at my bookcase. The top two shelves were not emptied for Bebo's stay - in other words, those things were there the entire time including the "O'Connell" mug I got at the Irish festival one year. There was something black poking out of it. I looked closer ... yeah, it was the remote. It had been there the entire time. Every day. Every night when I would cuss at the TV. Every freakin' moment.

I sit here at my desk shuffling papers around, some read "Go back to Loreth's to read excerpt" (I did); another says "Go back to Marty's blog" or "Jason's blog" ... um, I haven't. Took a carload of cans out to Walmart today for recycling. Brought them back with me too. While there I couldn't find my pen to write the check. After the clerk lent me hers I noticed that mine was still sticking out of the pocket of my t-shirt where I had put it after checking my list. Twice. Which reminds me. Yesterday was my nephew's birthday. He's 16 now. I was supposed to "send" him some birthday money by transferring it from mom's account to my brother's. I'll just write myself a note. Right here, next to the one that says "buy cat food". I guess I'll be heading back out tomorrow.

So, if I haven't been by in a little while, there's probably a note on my desk ...


Anonymous said...

Okay, I've unpacked all the boxes that I brought with me from your house & I can definitively say "it ain't over here". Unless it got packed & put in the storage unit... but that's empty now too...
Girl, you're outa luck on this one. I can't help you find a new brain. The Wiz is still hanging out in the Emerald City if you wanta give him a try... ;P

Brandy said...

Eve, I've had days like that. Shoot, I've had weeks like that! *g* I bet you just need to get some rest. And we've accidently taken our tv satellite remote upstairs for some reason. (yes there is a tv there, but there's also another remote!) Hope things perk up soon. Oh, and I've been to Wally-World 2x's in the past 2 days and forgotten milk both times.

Lis said...

*hugs* know what that's like. Done that more times then I can count.

You'll love this, just scared myself silly watching Most haunted so I now refuse to go to the basement. I have to have my back to the door down there and something slammed a door on MH, so I'm staying upstairs the whole night lol

Danica Favorite said...

LOL Eve!

You know, I bet your remote is with the trophy I lost and need to send. If you find it, be a pal and wing it my way. :)

Bailey Stewart said...

Bebo - and that reminds me. I forgot to use the closing line I'd thought of, so here goes: Clear the Yellow Brick Road, 'cuz here I come.

Loreth - I've seen that bumper sticker, cute. And if I made a note, I'd forget it. The excerpt was excellent - nope, didn't leave my brain there.

Brandy - what really bothers me is this, I used to have a sharp memory. I didn't need a list to go to the grocery store, I could remember people's names, etc. Now - if I need three things and forget to write them down, I go to the store and come home with 16 things and only one item that I needed.

Lis - Most Haunted is one of my favorite shows. I just keep forgetting to watch it.

Danica - oh, I found the remote, it's my brain I can't find now. Yep, they're probably hanging around together somewhere.

And I also forgot to include the coffee pot incident. Ours is one of those you set up the night before so you wake up and the coffee's done. I got up Monday morning and shuffled into the kitchen, got the creamer out and put it in my cup. Reached for the pot - um, there's only about a mug and a half in there. It's hot, but that's all there is. Huh? Checked the basket - nope, it has grounds in it and they are as dry as a bone. Did the water get clogged up in the resevoir? Nope, it shows empty too. Where did it go? Took me a moment because I haven't had my coffee - remember? I'd realized that I had forgot to toss the rest of the coffee from the day before and put water in the resevoir. Thank goodness I hadn't emptied the carafe - it just warmed that up. Don't know what would have happened if that heat element had come on without anything in there. Sheesh.

Michele said...


You are starting to sound like Joan Wilder!
If you have to use a post-it note that says "Buy Tissues" to blow your nose, start heading for Brazil and find your dream man!

And you KNOW where you go from there, don't ya?
Best Selling Author!

The coffee story is a hoot. Hey, I've got ones to top that, like the time I cooked a two liter soda bottle sans soda and it exploded into flames, or the time I cooked a porcelin plate and it exploded and pieces shot everywhere.

I'm dangerous in the kitchen, yet it is my "domain".
Yep about the remote and portable phone. I'm always thinking they should have a "Clapper" attachment to help us locate the unlocatable.

For when I can't find my keys, my shoes, my glasses, my pocketbook, phone, remote, salt, pens and vaccuum head attatchments.
One of those things every flippin' day...*sigh*

Kelly Boyce said...

I've had days...okay that. Good luck with the remote. I often threaten to attach one of those clappers to mine.

Sandy J said...

I swear its in the stars or the moon or something weird is going on. I have talked to three different friends that are all having the same problem this week. Yesterday, my hair stylist and I were having a conversation and someone listening in would have thought we were nuts. We couldn't finish sentences because words kept escaping us. Made for weird conversation. Good thing we have known each other so long we could understand each other.

Meretta said...

I bet if scientists were to log "incidents" like these from areas around the world there would be some sort of correlation to the alignment of planets, or the rotation of the earth, or some sort of similar phenomenon. Truly, I believe that. The earth and nature are much stronger influences than we realize.

However, in the meantime, get some rest & pare down your "to do" list and I'm sure things will improve.

Anonymous said...

Hugs--I know what that's like. I found something I'd lost just yesterday. Right where it was supposed to be. sigh.

Denise McDonald said...

been there - forgot that - LOL - I know scatterbrain - I have three yes three calendars (in three different rooms) w/ my info on so I don't forget... and yet still....

Daisy Dexter Dobbs said...

I loved this post, Eve. I’ve been there so many times and, in fact, such occurrences are getting increasingly commonplace for me. :-0

When I was little there was a children’s TV show (I think it was a local Chicago show) with Ray Rayner and Chelveston the duck (it was a real duck). Rayner wore a jumpsuit with reminder notes tacked all over it--definitely the forerunner to Post-it notes.

I remember wondering if that’s what happened to people when they got old (Rayner must have been all of 30-something at the time LOL)--that they became so forgetful they had to tack little notes all over the place. Well now I know. That’s exactly what happens! I have reminder notes everywhere and even have notes to remind me about the notes. LOL

We moved here to Oregon from Chicago several years ago and I still can’t find my electric hand mixer. I had to buy a new one. Lost in the move, you might wonder? Nope. Uh-uh. I saw it once after we got here. Once. God only knows where I’ll find it again one day (probably when we move out of this house).

Scott said...

Maybe when football season starts it will help keep you focused. Maybe you just need a little excitement.

Bailey Stewart said...

Peggy - I've also had to call my cell phone to find out where I've set it down.

Um Michelle - why were you cooking a soda bottle? Nevermind, I probably don't want to know.

Kelly - I'd do the clapper thing except I'd probably forget that I'm supposed to clap.

Sandy - that sounds like a good excuse to me. Yeah, it's the sun or the moon - it isn't me.

Meretta - see above comment to Sandy. And if I pare down my "to-do" list anymore I'd just be sleeping all day. I haven't done anything! I put some books away Monday night. That's it.

Marty - now see, that's the problem. Things keep showing up where they're supposed to be - I never look there. :p

Dennie - I have a date book, ledgers, sticky notes, scattered notes and I still forget.

Duchess! Isn't that funny that we can remember TV shows from our youth, theme songs, etc., but we can't remember ordinary everyday stuff! And around our house we always blame the cats when things go missing.

Bailey Stewart said...

Oh that's it Scott - it's NFL withdrawal!

Anonymous said...

I'm in the same boat as you! I'm always losing the darn remote only to find that it's usually within my reach. I think it is trying to drive me insane!

Hope you find your mind soon. ;)

Toni Anderson said...

Reminds me of Spitting Image 'The President's Brain is missing'

I bet they didn't have that show over here LOL.

Not that I think you've lost your mind hon--just your remote ;-)

Michele said...

Hey, I wasn't COOKING the bottle, it fell, bounced off my mixer, ricocheted off my hand and POOF!!!

I'm innocent!!!!!

Bailey Stewart said...

Bloggers back!!!!

Susan - that's a "remote" possibility.

Stacy - are you laughing at me? *g*

Toni - yeah, right ...

City Chickie - that's your story and you're sticking to it. *gg*

Toni Anderson said...

I checked blogs today but couldn't post!! Eve--you must have been lonely!!!

Toni Anderson said...
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Bailey Stewart said...

Took my nap before it went down and woke up around 4 - it was a bit disconcerting to not have anything in my in-box. Usually when I get up from my naps the whole gang has been by. Then with dinner preparations, etc., I haven't really had time to blog - but I kept coming in and checking. No one - I couldn't get into any blog account. There was trouble with that before nap time.

catslady said...

Blame the cats - yeah that's the answer roflmao. Oh I loved this post. Surely it applies to all of us. I left a remote on top of some food cans while looking for something for dinner - husband had to buy another one (heaven forbid no remote) and it was at least 3 months later before I found it laying there (guess I don't cook enough). I have to write notes all the time now and lose them of course. I've been saying it's all the dead brain cells for years now. Thanks for a good laugh.

Bailey Stewart said...

If something goes wrong, it's the the cats fault. Honest.

Blogger has been acting up badly today (must be their cats fault), so I hope I can post tomorrow's blog tonight.

Brandy said...

Eve! GUESS WHAT? Dh grouted the closet! It's done, DONE, DONE!!!!!!
As for the forgetfullness thing. I can relate to the conversation and forgetting a word you wanted to use!

Bailey Stewart said...

Is this going to work? So far, so good ...

Brandy - yeah about the grout - I know you've been waiting for him to .... now, what it that word? Oh yeah, finish.

Bailey Stewart said...

I could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain.
And my head I'd be scratchin' while my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain.
I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le,
In trouble or in pain.
With the thoughts you'll be thinkin' you could be another Lincoln
If you only had a brain.
Oh, I could tell you why the ocean's near the shore.
I could think of things I never thunk before.
And then I'd sit, and think some more.
I would not be just a nothin' my head all full of stuffin'
My heart all full of pain.
I would dance and be merry, life would be a ding-a-derry,
If I only had a brain.

Carol M said...

It does happen to all of us! I lost a book. I know it's in the house somewhere! I've checked every drawer and cupboard and I'm always looking for it. I know someday it will show up but in the meantime, it's driving me crazy!