Monday, August 28, 2006

Voices in My Head

You know, we need to talk.

About what?





Because she’s not writing.

She’s writing.


She writes blogs.

Oh yeah, right. You can really make a living out of writing blogs.

What’s she supposed to be writing?

She says she writes romances.

Then why isn’t she?

That’s what we need to talk about.

Maybe she could put together a book about blogs. Or romance through the blogs. Or …

She’s being a bitch about it.

You better be nice, she might hear you.

So what? What’s she gonna do about it?

She could eliminate you. It’s her fingers on the keyboard, you know.

She can’t get rid of me. I don’t exist.

You don’t?

No, and neither do you.

Don’t tell me that.

Why not?

Because I have a date Saturday night with the Tooth Fairy.

You can’t have a date. Especially with the Tooth Fairy.

Says who?

Because she's dating Cupid. And like I said we don’t exist. That’s why she can’t get rid of us. We’re everywhere. Leave this head, we’ll just show up somewhere else.

Like where?


We could really use some rain.

No, Raine. With an “E”.


Yeah, Weaver.

Well I crochet a little.

Raine Weaver. She’s an author.

Oh, she writes those smutty books.

Not smut. They’re erotica. We like erotica.

You like erotica. Bailey likes erotica. Nobody said I had to like it.

The Tooth Fairy likes erotica.

She does?

Yep, especially any about vampires. Okay, forget about that. We’ll go over to Brandy’s.

I don’t drink alcohol.

It’s not … oh forget that one. Shirley then.

Surely then what?

No, not surely. Shirley!

Don’t scream at me.

How about Dennie's

I'm not hungry.

I give up. Let’s get back to the subject.

And that was?

Bailey and her writing.

Isn’t that up to those nekkid muses?

Yeah, but they’re in Spain.

I thought they were in the Bahamas.

Hurricane season.

Oh yeah, right.

We have to make her write.

She’s sleeping.

She can’t really be sleeping if we’re having this conversation.


Here she goes. Off to the study.

What is she writing?

Blog stuff.

How do you know?

Because I can read the screen dummy.

What does it say?

You know we need to talk.

About what?

No, that’s the first line on the screen.

You mean she’s writing everything we said?


How rude?

And so went my Sunday nap. How was your weekend?


Brandy said...

Oh, lord, by the time I finished reading this Dh and the kids thought I was looney for laughing so hard! LOVE IT!!!!

Bailey Stewart said...

You think it's funny? You try laying in bed trying to take a nap and have this going on. Tweedledee and Tweedledum really think they're funny.

Brandy said...

I'm sorry. Well, not alot, because you've made me chuckle again. I AM sorry you didn't get the rest you needed.

Bailey Stewart said...

And they're still at it. Don't be sorry - obviously the point was laughter, and it could be worse - at least they're interesting.

Brandy said...

Yeah, BORING voices in your head would be hard to explain.

Bailey Stewart said...

Although boring voices might help me sleep better. LOL

Michele said...


Oh my Goodness.
You should have invited Chip and Dale to run circles around Tweedledee and Tweedledum. If that didn't tire them out, at least it would have been entertaining.

Brandy = don't drink...LOL

I found some more Alan R. but blogger won't let me post pics now. Stupid programs.

I hope you DO have a better night tonight, Bailey. If not, T & T are going to drive you barmy!


Meretta said...

Naps are our friends. Most of the time. ;)

I tried to have a nap today. It lasted about 4 minutes and then I felt refreshed enough to write 4 pages. Think if I sleep 30 minutes tomorrow, I can get 30 pages down?

Hmmm. You're right. There probably isn't a direct correlation. But we can dream, can't we?

Take care!!

Bailey Stewart said...

Oh no City Chickie - Chip and Dale would be too much like the nekkid muses. LOL

Bailey Stewart said...

Hey Meretta - we cross-posted. Yes, I think your theory is right - 30 minutes ought to equal 30 pages. Hmmmm, what would my usual 3 - 4 hour naps yield? *gg*

Lis said...

lol, at least like you said they're entertaining voices.

Anonymous said...

It was funny but I guess not for you Bailey. Not nice having your nap interrupted by talking characters. Sorry hand's sore. Since I went to see Suzanne's blog first about a possible contest, I wrote there about my last 4 or 5 days.

Well, I thought that while you were getting your website up you were actually writing. We've got to help the characters crack the whip. I'm waiting to hear how the story continues.

Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

It's so hard to keep those voices quiet! Great, Bailey!

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!!!!!! :-D

Bailey, that was PRICELESS!

Sorry about your nap, hon. They're relentless, aren't they?
I mean, wouldn't you think they'd realize that, if we die of exhaustion, they'll have to move out??

I think your voices came last week. Thursday night it was, at about 3 a.m., when I knew I had to get up at 7 a.m. to get to an appointment. :-/

I also think you'd better get busy writing, lady!

Anonymous said...

ROFL!!! The voices in your heard are quite entertaining, though I"d be a little annoyed, too, that they wanted to chat while I was trying to nap. :)

Bailey Stewart said...

Oh yeah Lis, they think they're very interesting.

Oh no Loreth, I never talk back to these two - it would be like trying to have a conversation with an Amway salesman. I've always thought that my dialogue stunk - thanks!

Um, no Ruby, the website was a little displaced activity (we don't use the word procrastinate anymore. LOL)

Thank you Kelly.

Raine (with an "e") Yep, that was probably them, aren't they wonderful? Yeah I know, must write.

Devon - submit? Oy, I have no idea how to go about that. And wouldn't some of the inside jokes be lost?

Tori - I've become more resigned than annoyed. These particular voices have been around for a long time.

Siobhan said...

I LOVE your voices - what a hoot! I've just had a nap myself and should be writing but am here as a displacement activity. Writing is so much harder. But I like to keep in touch with you'all SO THERE! My DH is out walking around the neighbourhood on the lookout for Charlie. He was seen the day before yesterday by some neighbours. I think he's staying away this time because of Sophie ...:-(

Anonymous said...

You are going to get me committed to the loony bin, I'm here laughing and my mom is looking at me like I'm insane! LOL

Carol M said...

roflmao! That was great! My voices aren't funny. I'll have to talk to them!

Melissa Amateis said...

I DEFINITELY want to read about these two!!!

Jordan Summers said...

*ggg* Sounds like someone needs to get to work. :)

Kelly Boyce said...

That made me laugh hysterically in my pod!

Sandy J said...

I am 'weeping' with laughter. And I am at work! So, now I am in trouble with my boss, but it was worth it.

Joely Sue Burkhart said...

Man, I've been doing the same thing for about a week now!!! Your voices are much funnier than mine, though. Mine goes something like:

I hope BD finaled in that contest. You know, the contest that was supposed to announce finalists by "mid August." What does that mean? The 15th? Gone. 25th? That's gone too. How much longer? Maybe I should check the website again. The contest alert group again. My e-mail. Was that the phone? Crap. Just a telemarketer. I should work on the revisions to that ms, but what if it didn't final? OMG, what if it DID? *chews fingernails off to my knuckles.*

catslady said...

LOL That's why I read so much, to shut up the voices.

Anonymous said...

Hey, at least you are writing, right? Comedy maybe instead of Romance but that's okay. It took me forever to find you though've gotten things all switched around for me.

Anonymous said...

You need to give these voices lives so they won't notice when you're not writing. lol

Sasha White said...

I LOVE IT!!! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Ah, needed that. Now get you tush in gear and get back to that book.

Saskia Walker said...

So funny! And it sounds like my head every night as I'm trying to get to sleep, dammit ;-))

Amie Stuart said...

OMG! that was freaking priceless!!

Amie Stuart said...

>>Even a page a day is a page more than you had the previous day!

Devon is right! A page a day is a single title book in one year *cough*

Denise McDonald said...

Oh man - LOL - I didn't read far enough huh. - god do I know that feeling - but I sent my editor excerpts for the Sept release today - so I was sorta productive!


Unknown said...

Blogger has finally let me in, but I'm way behind. And now I'm howling with laughter. That is SO funny!
Hey, and I agree with Devon. Get submitting it.