Your assignment:
You have GOT to go read this and then come back and comment. It's hysterical.
The picture has nothing to do with the link - I just added it since I was asking y'all about your favorite alien. Here's mine. That's Dirk Benedict, Starbuck of the original Battlestar Galactica.
Wanna win a copy of Jill Shalvis' new book Out of This World? In the comment section, just tell me who is your favorite alien from movies or TV. You have until 9:00 p.m. central time Thursday, September 21.
There's also another blog carnival over at Rene's. I couldn't participate this time (darn it, because I love the topic). The subject is What makes the perfect hero? If you want, go check it out.
And I also forgot to say that there's a review on Isn't it Romantic.
That was great!
My favorite alien is ALF. I loved that show and it reminds me of my childhood. I love all of those old 80s t.v. shows.
Hi Kristie!
I forgot to say which one was mine - let's see ... Starbuck (from the original Battlestar Galactica).
Spock's my fave. It's logical.
And I gotta say, I looooove Joe Beam. I heard him speak several times when I was in college. Very interesting story on this guy. He wrote one of my favorite books, "Seeing the Unseen" about spiritual warfare. TMI? :D
WOW. Looks like Christianity is keeping up with the times. Well, at least Jim Bean is (oops, that's Joe Beam. Not Jim. That would be the alcohol ;) AT any rate, I don't think our local preachers have gotten the word yet. ;)
ALF is mine. HAH!
I canceled the Carnival this month. I didn't get any contributions, so I'm going to skip it. We'll try for October.
My favorite alien...well, I know he wasn't exactly an alien, but he wasn't human either...The Man from Atlantis with Patrick Duffy. I loved that show and my friend and I pretended we were him when we played in the pool.
Oh, you're Boys did it. So did my Niners. T.O. broke his finger and is going in for surgery.
I'm with Loreth: Mork and Spock. Sorry I haven't dropped by recently.Had a busy weekend. I read the post about your mom with tears in my eyes. Just know that my thoughts and prayers are with you, Eve. You're very brave and a lovely, caring daughter. (((Big hug)))
Definitely has to be Mork! (I had such a crush on Robin Williams.) Loreth, over here (UK) it would've been around 1979ish.
The 1970s/early 80s had such great scifi shows. Sadly, some of them haven't stood the test of time - I loved Blakes Seven (did you get that over in the US?) but DH and I caught a rerun on Sky and it was... um... not how we remembered it.
DH is a Star Trek (original series) fan, so I have a bit of a soft spot for Spock. But Mork wins *hands down*. :o)
OOh, let me get a shout out for the '80's mini-series "V"! I loved that show!
I have that one in my collection Marty - great show - hidden history lesson if you're really looking for it.
"mountains of myrrh"???
Early Erotique.
No, don't pick me. I've already won my goodie.
Just wanted to comment, that's all.
My favorite is definitely Sally from Third Rock from the Sun.
Here's a hug - to let you know I was passing through.
Oh soz - forgot my alien ... um ... Stig of the Dump, I think.
Warf(Klingon)from Star Trek: The Next Generation
ROFL! I love it!!! What surprised me was the Church of Christ sponsoring the seminar the reporter went to. I'm a member of the CoC and by & large they're way conservative!
Favorite alien... I have to go with Starbuck (the original), too. Though it's kinda hard to think of him as an alien since the folks on Battlestar Galactica are human.
My favourite has to be Mork, too. I just loved him. Like Kate, I had a huge crush on him.
Ah, but Tori - they weren't born on earth, they were born on Caprica and other planets. If they had reached earth (I discount that terrible Galactica 1980) they would have been considered aliens.
Y'all, I liked Mork, and Spock (but I really lusted after Chekhov) and lots of others ... but I really had a thing for Starbuck. Which, I guess, is one of the big reasons I just can't watch the new one.
I like Chewbacca. His voice cracks me up.
Mork and Mindy was a spin-off of Happy Days, Mork appeared in the show titled 'My Favorite Orkan' that aired February 28, 1978.
Mork and Mindy premiered Sept 1, 1978 and the last original show was May 1, 1982.
Bet you would have never guessed I would say Mork was my favorite alien! LOL
That article was great!
It has to be Mork from Mork and Mindy for me, too. Hilarious good for you watching.
Enjoyed the Joe Beam link, lol!!!
My favorite is ALF too! That's the first one I thought of! Another vote for Mork and Mindy too! :)
Rachael - I remember that show. Her name was Edie, and Donna Pescow was her mother, and the voice of her father was Burt Reynolds.
The aliens at the beginning of Mars Attacks were cute and adorable but then they turned mean.
I guess my favourite would be E.T. He was an alien, wasn't he? Or does the alien have to be from tv?
Movies or TV.
Favorite alien? ET. Or maybe the Ship from Flight of the Navigator. (But, I already have the book, so don't enter me.) And I remember the show about the half alien girl, too.
I really love E.T.!!
Gotta love the victory, but it was sloppy. Still, it all means the same in the end.
Not too worried about TO. I think we're good without him--better with, but still good without.
My favorite alien. Number 6(?), or Tricia Helfer.
That clip was great......
My favorite aliens were the ewoks in the star wars shows........
I loved Mork and Mindy, and Alf too! I miss Alf! :( They were my favorite shows.
I loved Mork and Mindy, and Alf too! I miss Alf! :( They were my favorite shows.
Oops sorry for double post.
My favorite alien has to be Han Solo or Lando Calrissian. They were from space weren't they?Any way, I never got into the whole Mork and Mindy show. I guess I was watching something else in those days. Have a great day everyone and I haven't read the book yet so put my name in the hat for it. Hugs.
Ahhh...Dirk Benedict and Richard Hatch. Sigh. They were my favorites too. :)
My favorite aliens are Mork and ALF. I used to watch Alf all the time!
Mork and ET.
Why Alf of course. I thought I would be the only one to choose him; but I see I am not.
Ben Crichton from Farscape. He wasn't your typical alien, per se, but in this series, he was a HOTTIE human in an alien world. So, in essence, he was an alien.
Came here by way of Jill's place.
Mork and Mindy was such a cool show. I'd have to say my favorite alien, though, is Chewbacca. Wish I could growl like that. ;-)
I found the article to be QUITE interesting. In fact, I plan on telling my husband to read it...heh.
Mork was the first one that came to mind for me.
My stupid dial up wouldn't work.
Oh I love all the aliens mentioned - Spock, Alf, Mork, ET, even older "My favorite Martian," and I'm trying to think of the guy who played in Starman?
Oh my god, Starbuck! Ahahaha...god what a blast from the past.
Jeanne - movie or TV? Movie was Jeff Bridges, TV was Robert Hayes I think - the guy from the Airplane.
That would be the guy from the movie Airplane
Tyr Anasazi from Roddenberry's Andromeda.
i love et. he is so cute. i saw that show at universal studio
ALF hands down, he's my favorite :) Mork was good too though
Mork or Alf.
ET, without a doubt. And that pastor - now that's Progressive and practical, very nice to read about.
Rachael - I had forgotten that - we watch 7th Heaven in those days (mom was a big fan). And Steve Burton - I had completely forgotten that he had been on Out of This World and you're right, he hasn't changed much, just lost the boyishness softness.
I had to forward the link to that story to all my church buddies...
Wonder if we get get him as a guest speaker at our church??? We are a pretty contemporary group, bet we'd fill the chairs, too!
And I am probably dating myself here, but remember the movie "Starman" with Jeff Bridges?
He was my favorite alien. :)
Rachael - it's okay - we often get off the thread around here. *gg*
I used to watch General Hospital but don't have the time now. I tried taping it, but because I have such a limited TV watching time, found that I had tapes backed up all over the place, so I had to give up some stuff.
Yes, I prefer the longer hair, but I think this shorter "do" is more fitting with this character. And yes, he has a fabulous body!
Ah Rachael - don't have the Soap Network in our house, so I've just had to give up soaps. In fact, now that mother has gotten worse, I'm having to drop some of my prime time shows too - like tonight for instance, I can no longer watch NCIS (it was either that or House) because I love Dancing With the Stars and all three of those shows are on at the same time. I only have 2 VCR's - mom doesn't go to bed until between 7 and 7:30 - after that I'm free. So I've had to make TV choices and still be able to look at a couple of new ones.
Starman is my favorite. I like both Jeff Bridges and Robert Hayes.
Ahhhh Robert Hayes was the one I was trying to come up with - thanks.
I guess this one really is bringing everybody out with such pertinent questions and subjects.
Couldn't hear Mr. Beam because I have no audio. Speakers are in Never-land somewhere, along with everything else I'm looking for. Can't seem to get even the stuff up here sorted out. I've never heard anyone really speak about sex quite the way it's portrayed here but I think it is natural that as long as it doesn't hurt you or feel unpleasant that you can do what you want. It's really up to each person and each couple. And I've known for a long time that the Song of Solomon, or at least parts of it, talk about the sex act. After all, the guy must have known. He had a lot of wives and concubines.
As for my favorite alien: I didn't see many of the TV shows and things except for the original Star Trek and some great older sci-fi movies. The character that came immediately to mind was Gort from "The Day the Earth Stood Still". Since he really doesn't do much, I'll vote for Klaatu by Michael Rennie. I love that movie: the story and the eerie music by Bernard Hermann. Hard to beat.
I sure hope that I can win this book but then, everybody else is hoping that too.
P.S. That still doesn't mean I have to like erotica that reads like a sex manual. (grin)
Still thinking of you and your mom. Hugs and prayers.
Favorite alien: Worf from Star Trek Next Generation and Deep Space 9
There's one more show and hero I should have mentioned: the show is called My Hero and the hero is Thermoman, whose secret identity is Irish health food shop proprietor George Sunday. That series was hilarious!
Oh, so many choices. I am between ET and Max from Roswell. both cute, but one is a little taller than the other.
Ooh, I loved that movie Starman with Jeff Bridges too. I guess my favorite would be him or E.T. I like all of the Star Wars characters as well.
That Joe Beam is a hoot! I might go to church more often with those type sermons lol!
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