Sunday, July 02, 2006

Brain Cells to Go

I have only two brain cells left. I call them Morning and Evening. I’m not sure what happened to the others, but I think a couple have taken off for Tahiti since I’ve received strange postcards signed by Monday and Tuesday. I’d wondered what happened to those two days. You notice that they’re called Morning and Evening. That means nobody’s on duty in the afternoon, that’s why I sleep. I know they’re lonely up there – I’ve tried to get friends for them, but it’s no use – not even blind dates work. What’s a lonely brain cell to do on a Saturday night? Then there was the personal ad debacle. Every time I set up an ad for a single white brain cell (SWBC) I kept getting hooked up with the phone company. Then I tried single person requires intelligent neural transmitters (SPRINT) – I can hear a lot clearer now. But still they’re lonely, they’re tired, they’re at the end of their rope. I know it’s my fault. I’ve neglected them, they’ve grown flabby and out of shape. Is there a Jenny Craig for brain cells? I have to go now, I’m getting a headache. I think I sprained one.


Brandy said...

Hahahahahaha! Oh, Bailey (EVE!) You are too, too, too funny. Love this, especially the SPRINT!

Anonymous said...

This is so cute!

But brain cells are highly overrated.
Duplicity and brute force will do.
Ask our politicians.

Christa said...

At least you had enough brain cell power to put the tiara back on. That can't be the dragon's real color. Did you spray paint him?

Anonymous said...

Hugs, Eve. You found a humorous way to explain your dilemma. Humor is, I think, one of your greatest assets for writing. And it's wonderful.

Like Loreth, I don't seem to have a funny bone. Hey, actually that's true. When I visited my aunt in Berlin many, many moons ago, I fell as I was going down the stairs in her apartment building. I fell and hit, you guessed it, my left elbow. Turned out that I broke the funny bone right off. The doctors put in a screw and when it started bothering me too much, they took it out again. But the funny bone just hurts now when I knock it--doesn't have that weird sensation anymore. Maybe that's what started all my woes, do you think?

I think I may feel much the same as you. I seem to be treading water and can't get anywhere. Today, of course, was Canada's big day. My oldest niece's birthday is on Monday so we had a BBQ lunch and cake at my brother's place with all the aunts at least and the remaining grandparents in attendance. They let me stay to see the soccer upset as France won over most-favored Brazil. Saw the last bit of the Portugal-England game too. My other niece was very upset about Brazil's loss. She was in Brazil 2 years ago helping at an orphanage and since it was her first visit off N.A. she bonded with the Brazilians. My landlord was certain the final would be between Germany and Brazil with Germany winning. Now he's Italian and the next game is Germany vs. Italy. I wonder if he'll still be rooting for Germany.

Don't get me wrong: I'm not a huge sports fan but when the last World Cup was held in Germany in 1974, I was living in one of the big cities not far from the stadium and intermittently I'd hear a roar "Tor" (goal). It seems there haven't been many of those lately. I also live in London, ON's "little Portugal" and after every game, the cars are driving along the street tooting and honking and generally making a lot of noise. Maybe in the end they'll really have something to cheer about. I think the rigmarole ends next Sunday.

Hugs and prayers to you, Eve. I know I haven't been blogging much but I'm having a few problems, too. One of them is sleeping and napping and generally feeling off. Thinking too much too, I guess whenever the brain cells can handle it. The computer's acting up and I'm having problems getting the glasses I need and I have to go to the dentist's. All those nice things that cost money and cause worry.

Again, hugs and prayers as always. I hope your mom's at least a little bit better. Now I have to read the backlog of blog entries.

Bailey Stewart said...

How to fry a brain. Take temperatures in the 90s, add heat indexes about 5 degrees higher, stir in humidity over 50% and then break A/C. Yep. It's going to be a long day.

The computer will be on only as long as needed as it puts out too much heat. If I can get our old window unit back, I may hold off on calling until tomorrow - I do not want to pay Sunday rates.

Diane said...

Very funny. You should send that to the readers' pages of a magazine.

Anonymous said...

I'd hug you, but it's too darn hot! And LOL, too! I think some of my brain cells are off partying with yours in Tahiti.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad the brain cells you still have contain your sense of humor!

Meretta said...

I have three words for you...

You must always remember to stretch before thinking.

Hmmm. Okay. 8 words. 3 sounds better, though. ;)

Toni Anderson said...

Poor you!!! My two are out for lunch and I'm a zombie today!!!

Kelley Nyrae said...


Jordan Summers said...

LOL! Hang in there. They'll have company soon.

Anonymous said...

Mine need a little dusting off themselves! They have gotten lazy.

Shesawriter said...

My children killed any brain cells I may have had left.

Joely Sue Burkhart said...

Can you hear me now? I guess that's Verizon and not Sprint. *g* Very funny. Broken A/C is NOT funny. Big sweaty hugs -- I hope you get it up and running ASAP!!!!