Tuesday, July 25, 2006

If It's Not One Thing ...

it's my mother.

I’ve been itching to get writing, but things keep popping up with mom. We’re pretty sure that she won’t be leaving the room much anymore, so this is going to require a few more days of shifting to get things settled, but I can hear my characters calling. I’ve also just about had it with this internet. I’m typing this on word right now in the hopes that I’ll be able to cut and paste it either late tonight or early in the morning. I say early, but the way things are going it won’t be until after 8:00 central time. The other night I waited to put up the blog and the internet still wasn’t available even after midnight. I’m not staying up that late tonight, so if it’s not ready by 10:00, then I’m off to bed.

Anyway, I’ve had some ideas of things to do above my desk for inspiration. I have two bulletin boards – on one I’m going to put up the characters of my various WIPs, and if they all fit on one board, then the other will be either potential characters or things that inspire me for writing. I also have a few book flaps that I plan to frame and hang up there too.

So, what inspires you? If you’re not a writer, then what pushes you to accomplish the things you like to do?

UPDATE: I went ahead and left the thing about the internet and posting so you'll know that if you show up one morning and the blog hasn't changed, to come back later because I'm just having trouble with the damn thing.


Lis said...

*hugs* Hope you can get everything settled soon and the net connection cooperates with you.

Music inspires me the most. I make soundtracks for each wip that I usually play constantly while writing. Sometimes that changes with the different drafts (1st draft of Sabrina was done to Diana Krall's Xmas CD)

Sometimes I'll hunt around for pictures of the locales I use, but I rarely have pictures of who I cast.

Anonymous said...

What inspires me to write?

The dreamy idea that I might actually be able to do something I love for a living.

Listen to those characters, Bailey!

Diane said...

What is it with the internet at the moment? Do you think they've all just had an overload and are struggling to cope with it? Or could it be the heat? We're having right pains over here with it too.

Brandy said...

I'm not a writer, but I do need a push to accomplish other things sometimes and I feel like a list is what helps me the most. If I can just check something I've accomplished off my list I am ecstatic!

Bailey Stewart said...

I'm whipped this morning. Couldn't sleep. I've had 1 1/2 hours of sleep. It was 4:00 and 1,370 words later that I finally got to bed. You read that right - 1,370 words!!!! WhooHoo. *conk*

Scott said...

I'm not sure what inspires me just yet. Still working on that. I suppose that being in a writers group really gets my blood boiling, such that I need to have something going in order to present.

Anonymous said...

I always type out the entries and then paste them -- I've lost too many the other way.

What inspires me? Just about everything! Everything is material -- that's what's so great about being a writer.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what drives me to do the things I do. Perhaps it's just the satisfaction of the finished projected.

Good to hear your back to writing and 1,370 words! Yeah!!

Meretta said...

Music is my muse.

CONGRATS on your words! Way to go and WHOOT!! Glad you're back (in more ways than one!)

Now get some rest!!

Michele said...

A dream starts me off.
A feeling that I need to write it down.
Music to keep me on track and to drown out the rest of the house noice, and that's considerable.

Encouragement from someone who I've let read what I've written so far and their enthusiasm is a real incentive to keep on track.
No matter how many times I get derailed. LOL

Anonymous said...

*hugs* on your mom and the Internet problems. Hope the latter is resolved soon. We miss you.

Carol M said...

It's nice to hear that you got some writing done.

Brandy, I agree with everything you said!

Toni Anderson said...

I do exactly what loreth does though I need a colour printed LOL. And I do exactly what Brandy does too. Lists.

Everything inspires me. Except yukky things that come out of kids when they are sick--again!

Bailey Stewart said...

*snore* I'll check you guys later, gotta crash. Stories to tell too.

Brandy said...

WTG on the word count Bailey!! YAY!! Now go take a nap!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about mom (((hugs))).

But that word count is great. Try to get some rest.

Anonymous said...


We are finally back from San Diego :) Had a marvy time too!!

It was over 100 there...that is like a first for them!!! the good thing was at least sitting next to the Ocean we had a COOL breeze to cool us off! And it got way chilly--at least for me--at night.

Great job on the word count girlie!!! I am proud of you

Sounds like you have many problems...sorry :(

Oh and I love the chair! It is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Not a writer at least not of fiction. At the moment, nothing really inspires me to do anything. Sad and stupid, I know. That's one reason I've been on the blogs so little. The other is that my right shoulder has really been bothering me and that hurts down to the fingertips when I try to type.

Also had to write a card--which reminds me that I'd better get it to the mailbox and not waste any more time to get this thank you note off--only almost 6 months overdue. Terrible. I'm totally fed up with myself.

(I'm working backwards from Wednesday's blog.)

Anonymous said...

BTW, my Internet connection keeps coming up with a note: Offline. If you want to go on-line, click here.

In the first 4 months I had it, that never happened. Now it does it several times a session.