First, big congratulations to Kelley who has sold her short story Dream Man to Forbidden Publications for their Forbidden Delights line. Way to go Kelley!!
Secondly, Stacy's book is out for sale:

The Theory Of Love Stacy Dawn
Abbey’s doubts about her friend’s sparks and fireworks theory only grow when a set-up date turns into a no-show dud. Vowing never to let her friend set her up again, the last thing she expects is a jean-clad dancing plant putting the theory to the test.
Wild Rose Press
As soon as that laptop gets here (hi Joan) I'm going to buy this. I'm really looking forward to reading it.
Ha ha ha--I was missing you and look what I found!!!
Congratulations Kelley!!!
And Stacy!!!
What did you find?
Oh, oh I was supposed to go by that place thingy today - sorry! It's been a day.
A day?--what else would it have been?
No, I just meant I found a post :)
Nice bikini, baby!!!
Don't worry about it. Dear me, I won't :) And now I'm going to bed :)
Congrats Stacy and Kelley!!!
Congrats Kelley & Stacy!!
You plan your blog posts? That is ambitious. Congrats to the ladies. Good luck to them on their sales.
Rene - I'm a pantser with my writing, I have to plan something. *gg*
I seem to be late tonight, but let me add my Congratulations to Kelley and Stacy!
I add Congratulations to Kelley and Stacy too!
Um, did I read right? A /plant wearing jeans?
Way bizzarre!
It actually sounds intriguing.
Thanks for the heads up!
Sounds good! Congrats Stacy & Kelley :)
I just love the premise of that book!
Congrats Kelley...
My TBR is ready to collapse! I need to get some down time soon....
Your avatar looks damn sexy today! Congrats to both your friends. Nice!
Yes Brandy - you were late. I give you the "heads up" and mess around and miss the number one spot. Tsk, tsk LOL
Oh I'm still kicking, Loreth. Just not sure what ...
You're welcome Michele.
Yes Marty and Kelly - it does sound good.
Dennie - Bwaahahahaha
Thank you Scott. Image is everything. *gg*
Thanks so much Bailey!! It makes me feel really good that you took the time to mention me in your blog :)
Also, thanks to everyone else for the congrats:)
Kelley & Stacy, Congrats to both of you!!
Congrats to Kelley and Stacy!! Great news!!
I still have to buy Stacy's book too! I tend to do that on Fridays. Friday is my buy day :)
I've got a TBR pile of ebooks that I bought last weekend. Once I'm through with those, I'll buy these. *g* Thanks for the heads-up!
Congrats to Kelley and Stacy.
Let's all sit aroud the pool in our bikinis or swim trunks and toast a glass of champaigne (cause I can't spell margeritta, there's my attempt)
Congrats Kelley! Congrats Stacy! Cyberchocolate and champagne for you both!
And you were close, Christa. It's margarita. I won't tell you how I know. It has nothing to do with my consumption of said beverage. ;D
Congrats Kelley and Stacy.
Got my book win from last month, Bailey. Thanks so much!
Thanks now I can't even spell champagne.
Wow, two newcomers - and I didn't even dress up!
You're welcome Kelley. When the book comes out we'll do more.
Stacy - I'd actually forgotten about that. I know, surprise surprise that I'd forget anything. *gg*
Hello Shelli, welcome.
You're welcome Tempest and thanks for dropping by.
Christa - it doesn't matter how you spell it, as long as you get the mix right. And champagne's too bubbly.
Meretta - *snort*
You're welcome Jeanne.
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